Special Mother’s Day Offering

At least some of you no doubt noticed that there was not a Special Easter Offering this year.  In fact, a couple of you called it to my attention.  I apologize for this mistake.  In all the controversy about the General Conference actions and other matters, the Easter Offering simply got by me.  Incredible as that is, a pastor overlooking a special church offering, such is what happened.  I wish I could blame it on something more understandable.
At our Church Council meeting last Sunday, we decided that we would hold a special offering on Mother’s Day, May 12. The offering will be given in memory and honor of our mothers on this day set aside for them. For me, and I would guess for many of us, it has been our mothers, and our mother-in-the-faith who have nurtured us in the faith. I sense this can be a joyful celebration of such nurturing.
The monies raised by this special offering will go to our operating budget.  This has been our practice in recent years.  This year we are in a critical financial situation and need our members to help. You will be receiving a letter about the offering and an envelop for your gift.
-Pastor Jim
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