Notes from the Church Office


Great news from our Red Bird Mission!  For a while they haven’t been collecting the Boxtops for Education, but in a recent newsletter from them I found out that they are now!  I’ll have an envelope with Red Bird Mission marked on it on the ledge in the back by the North entrance.  Please put the little coupons in it.   I’ll mail them in periodically!  Thank you!




The “Torch” has been passed (so to speak)!  If you noticed a change in the printed newsletter last issue (either online or in the mail) that is because Stephanie Claussen is now the lead person for the entire newsletter.  It has been a volunteer task for both of us and it seems like it is time I stepped back.   It is far, far, less of a task now that we send so many online,  but nevertheless, it can become stressful for me.   I think Pastor Scott McClellan, Linda Zeien & I started doing a newsletter back in the later 80’s.    I will still contribute here & there, but the main responsibility is now with Stephanie.  It is time for a new look.

-Kathy Dickerson, HUMC Secretary

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